Synth Museum

"Synthesizer preservation via research and education."

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Moog Prodigy


Released: 1979



Another simplified dual oscillator (no noise or sub) monosynth. Architecture Class: Conventional (subtractive).

Ebay Description:

The Moog Prodigy is a 32 key monophonic synthesizer, featuring a dual oscillators (saw/pulse/triangle waveforms), a resonant low pass analog filter, dedicated (ADSR, shared D/R) filter and amplifier envelopes, an LFO (square/triangle waveforms), and glide.


Form Factor Dimensions Weight Audio Input Audio Output Communication Port Control Input Control Output Switch Input Power
32 keys W:23.25in D:14.94in H:5.625in 16lbs no mono no no no no AC (10W)


Compatibility Multitimbral Memory Program Memory External Storage External Programming UI Input UI Output
- N/A no no no dedicated knobs/switches LED


Multitimbral Polyphony Unison Architecture
no 1 no VCO1+VCO2->VCF->VCA


Effects Pan Modulator Volume Modulator Headphone
no no LoudnessContour no


Arpeggiator Arpeggiator External Sequencer Sequencer Memory Sequencer External Continuous Program Change
no N/A no N/A N/A Pitch-Wheel Mod-Wheel no


Key Pressure Chord Memory External Control External Sustain Key Scaling Velocity Curves
no no no no 2 no


Name Signal Class Waveform Octave Range Amplitude Modulator Harmonics Modulator Pitch Modulator Wave Assign Modulator
VCO1 analog pulse saw triangle 8-32' no no glide LFO Pitch-Wheel no
VCO2 analog pulse saw triangle 4-16' no sync:VCO1 glide LFO Pitch-Wheel no


Name Signal Class IC Resonant Shape Frequency Modulator Resonance Modulator Shape Modulator
VCF analog discrete yes 24dB low pass key LFO FilterContour no no


Name Level Rate Loop Polarity Trigger Level Modulator Rate Modulator
FilterContour sustain attack decay/release no no no no no
LoudnessContour sustain attack decay/release no no no no no


Name Waveform Delay Polarity Sync Delay Modulator Level Modulator Rate Modulator
LFO square triangle no no no no Mod-Wheel no
Conventional Models
Minimoog Sonic 6 Satellite Minitmoog Micromoog Taurus Polymoog Synthesizer Polymoog Keyboard
Multimoog Prodigy Opus-3 Liberation Rogue Concertmate MG-1 TaurusII Source