Model |
Released |
Synopsis |
Ebay Description |
1984 |
Y184,000 ($1195US) |
Subtractive, wavetable synthesizer, similar to Ensoniq ESQ and Kawai K3 families. |
The Korg DW-6000 is a 61 key (6 voice, monotimbral) dual oscillator synthesizer, featuring 8 waveforms (8 bit, 32kB) and noise, 24dB resonant low pass analog filter, dedicated filter and amplifier ABDSSR envelopes, LFO, chorus, stereo outputs, portamento, and MIDI. The 64 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx. |
1985 |
Y199,000 ($1295US) |
DW-6000 with 2x wavetable, more polyphony, auto-bend, velocity and aftertouch sensitivity, swapping chorus for digital delay. |
The Korg DW-8000 is a pressure and velocity sensitive 61 key (8 voice, monotimbral) dual oscillator synthesizer, featuring 16 waveforms (8 bit, 64kB) and noise, 24dB resonant low pass analog filter, dedicated filter and amplifier ABDSSR envelopes, LFO, digital delay, stereo outputs, arpeggiator, auto-bend, portamento, and MIDI. The 64 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx. |
1985 |
Y149,000 |
Rack DW-8000 |
The Korg EX-8000 is a pressure and velocity sensitive 2U (8 voice, monotimbral) dual oscillator synthesizer, featuring 16 waveforms (8 bit, 64kB) and noise, 24dB resonant low pass analog filter, dedicated filter and amplifier ABDSSR envelopes, LFO, digital delay, stereo outputs, arpeggiator, auto-bend, portamento, and MIDI. The 64 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx. |
1988 |
Y248,000 ($2166US) |
The first generation rompler that became the basis of mainstream synthesis for decades to come. It's unclear whether the original DW-8000 waves are included. |
The Korg M1 is a pressure and velocity sensitive 61 key (8 channel multitimbral) single (16 voice) or dual (8 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 100 waveforms and 44 drums (16 bit, 2MW, more via card), dedicated pitch and filter LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (33 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, 8 track sequencer (4400 or 7700 events, depending on program memory), and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes. The 50 or 100 (depending on sequencer memory) user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card. |
1989 |
? |
M1 with expanded waveform memory. |
The Korg M1EX is a pressure and velocity sensitive 61 key (8 channel multitimbral) single (16 voice) or dual (8 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 190 waveforms and 85 drums (16 bit, 4MW, more via card), dedicated pitch and filter LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (33 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, 8 track sequencer (4400 or 7700 events, depending on program memory), and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes. The 50 or 100 (depending on sequencer memory) user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card. |
1988 |
Y210,000 |
Rack M1 |
The Korg M1R is a pressure and velocity sensitive 2U rack (8 channel multitimbral) single (16 voice) or dual (8 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 100 waveforms and 44 drums (16 bit, 2MW, more via card), dedicated pitch and filter LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (33 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, 8 track sequencer (4400 or 7700 events, depending on program memory), and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes. The 50 or 100 (depending on sequencer memory) user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card. |
1989 |
? |
M1R with expanded waveform memory. |
The Korg M1REX is a pressure and velocity sensitive 2U rack (8 channel multitimbral) single (16 voice) or dual (8 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 190 waveforms and 85 drums (16 bit, 4MW, more via card), dedicated pitch and filter LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (33 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, 8 track sequencer (4400 or 7700 events, depending on program memory), and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes. The 50 or 100 (depending on sequencer memory) user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card. |
1989 |
Y124,000 |
Single oscillator M1R with half the sample memory and no sequencer |
The Korg M3R is a pressure and velocity sensitive 1U rack (8 channel multitimbral) single oscillator (16 voice) synthesizer, featuring 90 waveforms and 45 drums (16 bit, 1MW, more via card), low pass filter, dedicated (pitch, filter amplifier) 3-stage envelopes, dedicated pitch and filter LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (33 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, and MIDI. The 100 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card. |
1989 |
Y500,000 ($5995US) |
T2EX with 88 weighted keys. |
The Korg T1 is a pressure and velocity sensitive 88 weighted key (8 channel multitimbral) single (16 voice) or dual (8 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 190 waveforms and 85 drums (16 bit, 4MW, more via card), dedicated pitch and filter LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (33 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, 8 track sequencer (50000 events), 3.5" DSHD disk drive, and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes. The 200 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card. The samples can be loaded into the 512kW sample RAM via MIDI-SDS or DSM-1 disk. |
1989 |
Y350,000 ($4595US) |
T3 with 76 keys |
The Korg T2 is a pressure and velocity sensitive 76 key (8 channel multitimbral) single (16 voice) or dual (8 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 190 waveforms and 85 drums (16 bit, 4MW, more via card), dedicated pitch and filter LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (33 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, 8 track sequencer (50000 events), 3.5" DSHD disk drive, and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes. The 200 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card. |
1989 |
Y350,000 ($4595US) |
Adds sample RAM |
The Korg T2EX is a pressure and velocity sensitive 76 key (8 channel multitimbral)single (16 voice) or dual (8 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 190 waveforms and 85 drums (16 bit, 4MW, more via card), dedicated pitch and filter LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (33 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, 8 track sequencer (50000 events), 3.5" DSHD disk drive, and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes. The 200 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card. The samples can be loaded into the 512kW sample RAM via MIDI-SDS or DSM-1 disk. |
1989 |
Y320,000 ($3995US) |
T3 with expanded memory (patch, sample, and sequencer) and a disk drive. |
The Korg T3 is a pressure and velocity sensitive 61 key (8 channel multitimbral) single (16 voice) or dual (8 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 190 waveforms and 85 drums (16 bit, 4MW, more via card), dedicated pitch and filter LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (33 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, 8 track sequencer (50000 events), 3.5" DSHD disk drive, and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes. The 200 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card. |
1989 |
Y320,000 ($3995US) |
Adds sample RAM. |
The Korg T3EX is a pressure and velocity sensitive 61 key (8 channel multitimbral) single (16 voice) or dual (8 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 190 waveforms and 85 drums (16 bit, 4MW, more via card), dedicated pitch and filter LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (33 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, 8 track sequencer (50000 events), 3.5" DSHD disk drive, and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes. The 200 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card. The samples can be loaded into the 512kW sample RAM via MIDI-SDS or DSM-1 disk. |
1990 |
Y220,000 ($2485US) |
Similar to an M1 (different samples), swapping the sequencer for wave sequencing and dedicating an ENV to vector synthesis from the Prophet VS. |
The Korg Wavestation is a pressure and velocity sensitive 61 key (32 voice, 16 channel multitimbral) four oscillator synthesizer, featuring 365 waveforms (16 bit, 2MB, more via card), a 4-stage mix envelope (vector synthesis), dual stereo effects processors (47 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, wave sequencer (255 steps, 32 preset sequences, 64 editable sequences), and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a low pass filter, dual 4-stage envelopes, dual LFOs, and flexible modulation routing. The 70 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card (35 presets are not editable). |
1990 |
? |
Wavestation with twice sample memory, 8 additional effects, and various MIDI enhancements. |
The Korg Wavestation EX is a pressure and velocity sensitive 61 key (32 voice, 16 channel multitimbral) four oscillator synthesizer, featuring 484 waveforms (16 bit, 4MB, more via card), a 4-stage mix envelope (vector synthesis), dual stereo effects processors (55 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, wave sequencer (255 steps, 32 preset sequences, 96 editable sequences), effects input, and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a low pass filter, dual 4-stage envelopes, dual LFOs, and flexible modulation routing. The 70 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card (35 presets are not editable). |
1991 |
Y210,000 ($2495US) |
Wavestation EX with inputs and balanced outputs. Dual analog inputs can be routed to oscillator channels and/or effects. |
The Korg Wavestation A/D is a pressure and velocity sensitive 2U rack (32 voice, 16 channel multitimbral) four oscillator synthesizer, featuring 484 waveforms (16 bit, 4MB, more via card), a 4-stage mix envelope (vector synthesis), dual stereo effects processors (55 effects), stereo (TS and XLR) and dual individual outputs, wave sequencer (255 steps, 32 preset sequences, 96 editable sequences), effects input, and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a low pass filter, dual 4-stage envelopes, dual LFOs, and flexible modulation routing. The 105 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card (35 presets are not editable). Dual analog inputs can be routed to oscillator channels and/or effects. |
1992 |
Y135,000 |
Rack Wavestation EX, substituting vector synthesis joystick for extended patch memory. |
The Korg Wavestation SR is a pressure and velocity sensitive 1U rack (32 voice, 16 channel multitimbral) four oscillator synthesizer, featuring 484 waveforms (16 bit, 4MB, more via card), a 4-stage mix envelope (vector synthesis), dual stereo effects processors (55 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, wave sequencer (255 steps, 32 preset sequences, 96 editable sequences), effects input, and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a low pass filter, dual 4-stage envelopes, dual LFOs, and flexible modulation routing. The 105 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card (280 presets are not editable). |
1991 |
($2400US) |
Similar to a T3EX with double polyphony, dual pitch LFOs, harmonic envelopes. |
The Korg 01/W is a pressure and velocity sensitive 61 key (8 channel multitimbral) single (32 voice) or dual (16 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 255 waveforms and 60 drums (16 bit, 3MW, more via card), dedicated filter and dual pitch LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (47 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, 8 track sequencer (7000 events), and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes, along with an ADS waveshaping envelope. The 200 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card. |
1991 |
? |
The 01R/W is a rack 01/W. |
The Korg 01R/W is a pressure and velocity sensitive 2U rack (8 channel multitimbral) single (32 voice) or dual (16 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 255 waveforms and 60 drums (16 bit, 3MW, more via card), dedicated filter and dual pitch LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (47 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, 8 track sequencer (7000 events), and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes, along with an ADS waveshaping envelope. The 200 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card. |
1991 |
Y260,000 |
The 01/Wfd adds a floppy drive and expands the sequencer memory. |
The Korg 01/Wfd is a pressure and velocity sensitive 61 key (8 channel multitimbral) single (32 voice) or dual (16 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 255 waveforms and 60 drums (16 bit, 3MW, more via card), dedicated filter and dual pitch LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (47 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, 8 track sequencer (48000 events), 3.5" DSDD disk drive, and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes, along with an ADS waveshaping envelope. The 200 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card. |
1991 |
? |
The 01/Wpro adds a piano sample to the 01/Wfd. |
The Korg 01/Wpro is a pressure and velocity sensitive 61 key (8 channel multitimbral) single (32 voice) or dual (16 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 256 waveforms and 60 drums (16 bit, 3MW, more via card), dedicated filter and dual pitch LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (47 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, 8 track sequencer (48000 events), 3.5" DSDD disk drive, and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes, along with an ADS waveshaping envelope. The 200 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card. |
1991 |
? |
Similar to an 01/Wpro with 88 weighted keys. |
The Korg 01/WproX is a pressure and velocity sensitive 88 weighted key (8 channel multitimbral) single (32 voice) or dual (16 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 256 waveforms and 60 drums (16 bit, 3MW, more via card), dedicated filter and dual pitch LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (47 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, 8 track sequencer (48000 events), 3.5" DSDD disk drive, and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes, along with an ADS waveshaping envelope. The 200 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card. |
1992 |
? |
Similar to an 01R/W without a sequencer, swapping some program memory for GM presets and Wave Shape envelopes for filter resonance. |
The Korg 03R/W is a pressure and velocity sensitive 1U rack (8 channel multitimbral) single (32 voice) or dual (16 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 256 waveforms and 119 drums (16 bit, 3MW, more via card), dedicated filter and dual pitch LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (47 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a resonant low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes. The 100 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card (also has 129 GM presets). |
1993 |
Y158,000 |
Updated 03R/W with some different samples. |
The Korg X3 is a pressure and velocity sensitive 61 key (8 channel multitimbral) single (32 voice) or dual (16 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 340 waveforms and 164 drums (16 bit, 3MW, more via card), dedicated filter and dual pitch LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (47 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, 8 track sequencer (32000 events), 3.5" DSDD disk drive, and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a resonant low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes. The 200 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card (also has 136 GM presets). |
1993 |
? |
X3 with 76 keys and Piano sample. |
The Korg X2 is a pressure and velocity sensitive 76 key (8 channel multitimbral) single (32 voice) or dual (16 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 341 waveforms and 164 drums (16 bit, 3MW, more via card), dedicated filter and dual pitch LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (47 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, 8 track sequencer (32000 events), 3.5" DSDD disk drive, and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a resonant low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes. The 200 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card (also has 136 GM presets). |
1993 |
Y158,000 |
Rack X3. |
The Korg X3R is a pressure and velocity sensitive 2U rack (8 channel multitimbral) single (32 voice) or dual (16 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 340 waveforms and 164 drums (16 bit, 3MW, more via card), dedicated filter and dual pitch LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (47 effects), stereo and dual individual outputs, and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a resonant low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes. The 200 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card (also has 136 GM presets). |
1994 |
? |
X3 cost reduction (DC power supply, half program memory, no sequencer, card slots, or floppy drive), swapping individual outputs for a computer interface. |
The Korg X5 is a pressure and velocity sensitive 61 key (8 channel multitimbral) single (32 voice) or dual (16 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 341 waveforms and 164 drums (16 bit, 3MW), dedicated filter and dual pitch LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (47 effects), stereo outputs, Mac/PC serial interface, and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a resonant low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes. The 100 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card (also has 136 GM presets). |
1994 |
? |
Rack X5. |
The Korg 05R/W is a pressure and velocity sensitive 1U half rack (8 channel multitimbral) single (32 voice) or dual (16 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 341 waveforms and 164 drums (16 bit, 3MW), dedicated filter and dual pitch LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (47 effects), stereo outputs, Mac/PC serial interface, and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a resonant low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes. The 100 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card (also has 136 GM presets). |
1995 |
? |
X5 with double polyphony, program and sample memory. |
The Korg X5D is a pressure and velocity sensitive 61 key (8 channel multitimbral) single (64 voice) or dual (32 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 430 waveforms and 215 drums (16 bit, 4MW), dedicated filter and dual pitch LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (47 effects), stereo outputs, Mac/PC serial interface, and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a resonant low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes. The 200 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card (also has 136 GM presets). |
1995 |
? |
Rack X5D with half program memory. |
The Korg X5DR is a pressure and velocity sensitive 1U half rack (8 channel multitimbral) single (64 voice) or dual (32 voice) oscillator synthesizer, featuring 430 waveforms and 215 drums (16 bit, 4MW), dedicated filter and dual pitch LFOs, dual stereo effects processors (47 effects), stereo outputs, Mac/PC serial interface, and MIDI. Each oscillator channel features a resonant low pass filter and dedicated (pitch, filter, amplifier) 3-stage envelopes. The 100 user editable presets can be saved via MIDI SysEx or memory card (also has 136 GM presets). |