Model |
Released |
Synopsis |
Ebay Description |
1981 |
Y2,730,000 |
Early FM polyphonic preset keyboard |
The Yamaha GS1 is a pressure and velocity sensitive 88 key (16 voice, 4+4 operator) FM synthesizer, featuring vibrato, tremolo, EQ (low, mid, high), chorus, and 16 presets (presets loaded via card reader). |
1981 |
Y1,050,000 |
Basically a "portable" 73 key GS1 without aftertouch or program mix (1 FM board vs. 2). |
The Yamaha GS2 is a velocity sensitive 73 key (16 voice, 4 operator) FM synthesizer, featuring vibrato, tremolo, EQ (low, mid, high), chorus, and 16 presets (presets loaded via card reader). |
1982 |
Y231,000 |
Basically a cut down GS1, swapping chorus for portamento and 3 band EQ for brilliance. Missing features include no card reader or tremolo, smaller keyboard, fewer outputs and pedal switches |
The Yamaha CE-20 is a pressure and velocity sensitive 49 key (8 voice, 4 operator) FM synthesizer, featuring vibrato, brilliance, chorus, portamento (controlled by wheel), and 20 presets (6 polyphonic, 14 monophonic). Polyphonic presets are Brass, Horn, Organ, Electric Piano, Harpsichord, and Strings. Monophonic presets are Piccolo, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet1, Trumpet2, Trombone, Violin, Cello, Contrabass1, Contrabass2, Electric Bass 1, Electric Bass 2. |
1982 |
Y231,000 |
Swaps CE-20 portamento for chorus ("Symphonic"), Vibrato depth is moved to wheel (typical modulation wheel functionality). |
The Yamaha CE-25 is a pressure and velocity sensitive 49 key (8 voice, 4 operator) FM synthesizer, featuring chorus, brilliance, vibrato (controlled by wheel), and 20 presets. Polyphonic presets are Brass 1-5, String 1-3, Organ 1-2, Poly Lead 1-2, Poly Bass 1-2, and Percussive 1-5. |
1983 |
Y197,400 ($1395US) |
Yamaha's first 4 operator (8 algorithm) FM synth. |
The Yamaha DX9 is a 61 key (16 voice) FM synthesizer, featuring 4 operators (8 algorithms) with dedicated 4-stage envelopes, a pitch envelope, an LFO (saw:up|down sine square triangle random waveforms), 20 presets, tape interface, breath-control input, and MIDI. |
1985 |
Y139,650 ($795US) |
Expands the DX9 Program memory and adds velocity (via MIDI) and bitimbral capabilities, while sacrificing some LFO waveforms. Operator EGs lose dedicated stages for ADDSR (pitch EG loses a stage). |
The Yamaha DX21 is a 61 key (8 voice) bitimbral FM synthesizer, featuring 4 operators (8 algorithms) with dedicated (ADSDR) envelopes, a pitch envelope, an LFO (saw:up square triangle random waveforms), 160 presets (32 editable), tape interface, breath-control input, chorus, and MIDI. |
1985 |
Y68,040 ($465US) |
(a.k.a. CX5F in Japan) Bitimbral MSX compatible computer, similar to DX21, with a preset based FM sound module (SFG-01), which has limited programmability without YRM-102 cartridge. MIDI is primitive, only allowing DX7 interface or sequencer output. |
The Yamaha CX5M is a (8 voice) bitimbral FM computer, featuring 4 operators (8 algorithms) with dedicated (ADSDR) envelopes, a pitch envelope, an LFO (saw:up square triangle random waveforms), 46 presets, tape and cartridge interfaces, printer and monitor outputs, and MIDI. |
1985 |
Y68,040 ($465US) |
Upgrade doubles the computer memory (64kB), adds another cartridge slot, and swaps SFG-01 with SFG-05, allowing MIDI control. |
The Yamaha CX5MII is a (8 voice) bitimbral FM computer, featuring 4 operators (8 algorithms) with dedicated (ADSDR) envelopes, a pitch envelope, an LFO (saw:up square triangle random waveforms), 46 presets, tape and cartridge interfaces, printer and monitor outputs, and MIDI. |
1985 |
Y102,900 ($645US) |
Swaps DX21 bitimbral, chorus, and volume pedal for more presets. |
The Yamaha DX27 is a 61 key (8 voice) FM synthesizer, featuring 4 operators (8 algorithms) with dedicated (ADSDR) envelopes, a pitch envelope, an LFO (saw:up square triangle random waveforms), 216 presets (24 editable), tape interface, breath-control input, and MIDI. |
1985 |
Y73,290 ($445US) |
Compact DX-27 with 4 octave mini keys. |
The Yamaha DX100 is a 49 mini key (8 voice) FM synthesizer, featuring 4 operators (8 algorithms) with dedicated (ADSDR) envelopes, a pitch envelope, an LFO (saw:up square triangle random waveforms), 216 presets (24 editable), tape interface, breath-control input, and MIDI. |
1986 |
Y123,900 ($795US) |
Restores volume pedal input and stereo chorus from DX21 and adds speakers. |
The Yamaha DX27S is a 61 key (8 voice) FM synthesizer, featuring 4 operators (8 algorithms) with dedicated (ADSDR) envelopes, a pitch envelope, an LFO (saw:up square triangle random waveforms), 216 presets (24 editable), tape interface, breath-control input, chorus, stereo speakers, and MIDI. |
1986 |
Y52,290 ($350US) |
Adds 8 voice multitimbral and aftertouch to the DX21 features, swapping the tape interface for more presets and a half rack form factor (most parameters only editable via MIDI). |
The Yamaha FB-01 is a pressure and velocity sensitive 1U half rack (16 voice, 8 voice multitimbral) FM synthesizer, featuring 4 operators (8 algorithms) with dedicated (ADSDR) envelopes, a 3 stage pitch envelope, an LFO (saw, square, triangle, random waveforms), MIDI, and 336 presets (96 editable). |
1986 |
($995US) |
Adds 7 operator waveforms, but LFOs are no longer per voice |
The Yamaha DX11 is a pressure and velocity sensitive 61 key (8 voice multitimbral) FM synthesizer, featuring 4 operators (8 waveforms and algorithms) with dedicated (ADSDR) envelopes, a 3 stage pitch envelope, an LFO (saw, square, triangle, random waveforms), delay, pan and chord effects, tape and MIDI interfaces, and 160 presets (32 editable). |
1986 |
Y62,790 ($495US) |
Rack version of the DX11 |
The Yamaha TX81Z is a pressure and velocity sensitive 1U rack (8 voice multitimbral) FM synthesizer, featuring 4 operators (8 waveforms and algorithms) with dedicated (ADSDR) envelopes, a 3 stage pitch envelope, an LFO (saw, square, triangle, random waveforms), delay, pan and chord effects, tape and MIDI interfaces, and 160 presets (32 editable). |
1988 |
Y52,500 |
Minimally editable wind sound module (edit via DX11 or TX81z) |
The Yamaha WT11 is a pressure and velocity sensitive desktop (8 voice multitimbral) FM synthesizer, featuring 4 operators (8 waveforms and algorithms) with dedicated (ADSDR) envelopes, a 3 stage pitch envelope, an LFO (saw, square, triangle, random waveforms), 10 effects, tape and MIDI interfaces, WX (wind controller) interface, and 144 presets (32 editable). |
1988 |
Y115,500 |
Simplified FM with no direct access to operator algorithms or most modulation parameters (full editing via SysEx or DX11/TX81Z). |
The Yamaha YS100 is a pressure and velocity sensitive 61 key (8 voice multitimbral) FM synthesizer, featuring 4 operators, dedicated tone and volume (ADR) envelopes, an LFO, 10 effects, card and MIDI interfaces, and 200 presets (100 editable). |
1988 |
Y135,450 |
Adds a sequencer to the YS100 functionality |
The Yamaha YS200 is a pressure and velocity sensitive 61 key (16 voice, 8 voice multitimbral) FM synthesizer, featuring 4 operators (8 algorithms) with dedicated (ADR) envelopes, an LFO (square, triangle, random waveforms), effects (reverb/delay, distortion), 8 track sequencer, card and MIDI interfaces, and 200 presets (100 editable). |
1988 |
Y155,400 |
Adds speakers to the YS200 functionality |
The Yamaha B200 is a pressure and velocity sensitive 61 key (16 voice, 8 voice multitimbral) FM synthesizer, featuring 4 operators (8 algorithms) with dedicated (ADR) envelopes, an LFO (square, triangle, random waveforms), effects (reverb/delay, distortion), 8 track sequencer, card and MIDI interfaces, stereo speakers, and 200 presets (100 editable). |
1988 |
Y84,800 |
Swaps YS100 aftertouch and card interface for arpeggiator and preset sequencer. |
The Yamaha DS55 is a velocity sensitive 61 key (8 voice multitimbral) FM synthesizer, featuring dedicated tone and volume (ADR) envelopes, an LFO, delay, MIDI, and 200 presets (100 editable). |
1988 |
Y68,250 ($695US) |
Desktop version of the YS200. |
The Yamaha TQ5 is a pressure and velocity sensitive desktop (8 voice multitimbral) FM synthesizer, featuring 4 operators (8 waveforms and algorithms) with dedicated (ADSDR) envelopes, a 3 stage pitch envelope, an LFO (saw, square, triangle, random waveforms), 10 effects, card and MIDI interfaces, 8 track sequencer, and 200 presets (100 editable). |
1989 |
Y163,800 ($1895US) |
Next generation DX11 doubles polyphony and adds a sequencer, effects, and disk drive. |
The Yamaha V50 is a pressure and velocity sensitive 61 key (16 voice multitimbral) FM synthesizer, featuring 4 operators (8 waveforms and algorithms) with dedicated (ADSDR) envelopes, a 3 stage pitch envelope, an LFO (saw, square, triangle, random waveforms), multi-effects processor, card and MIDI interfaces, 3.5"DSDD disk drive, 8 track sequencer (with rhythm section), and 200 presets (100 editable). |
1983 |
Y260,400 ($1995US) |
First digital (6 operator, 32 algorithm FM) synthesizer to unseat the analog synths as king |
The Yamaha DX7 is a 61 key pressure and velocity sensitive (16 voice) FM synthesizer, featuring 6 operators (32 algorithms) with dedicated (4 stage) envelopes, a (4 stage) pitch envelope, an LFO (saw:up|down sine square triangle random waveforms), 32 editable presets, cartridge interface, breath-control and pedal input, and MIDI. |
1983 |
Y2,047,500 |
Contains the functionaly of 2 DX7's with an LED based interface |
The Yamaha DX1 is a 73 wooden key pressure and velocity sensitive (16x2 voice) duotimbral FM synthesizer, featuring 6 operators (32 algorithms) with dedicated (4 stage) envelopes, a (4 stage) pitch envelope, an LFO (saw:up|down sine square triangle random waveforms), 32x2 editable presets, dual cartridge interfaces, breath-control and pedal input, and MIDI. |
1984 |
Y934,500 ($4995US) |
Contains the functionality of 8 DX7's (TF1 modules) in a rack (only editable via MIDI) |
The Yamaha TX816 is a 4U rack pressure and velocity sensitive (16 voice), 8 module (multitimbral) FM synthesizer, featuring 6 operators (32 algorithms) with dedicated (4 stage) envelopes, a (4 stage) pitch envelope, an LFO (saw:up|down sine square triangle random waveforms), 32x8 editable presets, 8 individual outputs, and MIDI. |
1985 |
Y315,000 ($2095US) |
Basically a TX816 with 7 empty TF1 module slots |
The Yamaha TX216 is a 4U rack pressure and velocity sensitive (16 voice) FM synthesizer, featuring 6 operators (32 algorithms) with dedicated (4 stage) envelopes, a (4 stage) pitch envelope, an LFO (saw:up|down sine square triangle random waveforms), 32 editable presets, and MIDI. |
1985 |
Y152,250 ($845US) |
Basically a desktop version of a TF1 module |
The Yamaha TX7 is a desktop pressure and velocity sensitive (16 voice) FM synthesizer, featuring 6 operators (32 algorithms) with dedicated (4 stage) envelopes, a (4 stage) pitch envelope, an LFO (saw:up|down sine square triangle random waveforms), 32 editable presets, tape interface, and MIDI. |
1985 |
Y627,900 ($3495US) |
Basically a DX1 without the LED interface or wooden keys |
The Yamaha DX5 is a 76 weighted key pressure and velocity sensitive (16x2 voice) duotimbral FM synthesizer, featuring 6 operators (32 algorithms) with dedicated (4 stage) envelopes, a (4 stage) pitch envelope, an LFO (saw:up|down sine square triangle random waveforms), 32x2 editable presets, dual cartridge interfaces, breath-control and pedal input, and MIDI. |
1986 |
Y270,900 ($2195US) |
Improves on the DX7 with 16 bit DACs, stereo outputs (with pan EG), bi-timbral, double preset memory, microtuning, fractional scaling, and two programable sliders. |
The Yamaha DX7IID is a 61 key pressure and velocity sensitive (16 voice) bitimbral FM synthesizer, featuring 6 operators (32 algorithms) with dedicated (4 stage) envelopes, (4 stage) pitch and pan envelopes, an LFO (saw:up|down sine square triangle random waveforms), 64 editable presets, cartridge interface, breath-control and pedal input, microtuning, stereo outputs, and MIDI. |
1986 |
Y312,900 ($2495US) |
Adds a floppy drive to the DX7IID |
The Yamaha DX7IID is a 61 key pressure and velocity sensitive (16 voice) bitimbral FM synthesizer, featuring 6 operators (32 algorithms) with dedicated (4 stage) envelopes, (4 stage) pitch and pan envelopes, an LFO (saw:up|down sine square triangle random waveforms), 64 editable presets, cartridge interface, breath-control and pedal input, microtuning, stereo outputs, and MIDI. |
1986 |
Y525,000 |
Adds more keys and centennial paint scheme to the DX7IIFD. |
The Yamaha DX7II Centennial is a 76 key pressure and velocity sensitive (16 voice) bitimbral FM synthesizer, featuring 6 operators (32 algorithms) with dedicated (4 stage) envelopes, (4 stage) pitch and pan envelopes, an LFO (saw:up|down sine square triangle random waveforms), 64 editable presets, cartridge interface, breath-control and pedal input, microtuning, stereo outputs, and MIDI. |
1986 |
Y176,400 ($1495US) |
Basically a mono-timbral DX7IID |
The Yamaha DX7IID is a 61 key pressure and velocity sensitive (16 voice) FM synthesizer, featuring 6 operators (32 algorithms) with dedicated (4 stage) envelopes, (4 stage) pitch and pan envelopes, an LFO (saw:up|down sine square triangle random waveforms), 64 editable presets, cartridge interface, breath-control and pedal input, microtuning, stereo outputs, and MIDI. |
1987 |
Y193,200 ($1895US) |
Basically an 8 voice multitimbral DX7IID with extra presets in a rack |
The Yamaha TX-802 is a pressure and velocity sensitive 2U rack (16 voice, 8 voice multitimbral) FM synthesizer, featuring 6 operators (32 algorithms) with dedicated (4 stage) oscillator, pan, and pitch envelopes, an LFO (saw:up|down sine square triangle random waveforms), cartridge and MIDI interfaces, microtuning, stereo and 8 individual line outputs, and 192 presets (64 editable). |
1998 |
Y110,000 |
8 operator FM, along with 16 operator formant synthesis (with 8 track formant sequencer). |
The Yamaha FS1R is a pressure and velocity sensitive 1U rack (16 voice multitimbral) formant FM synthesizer, featuring 8 voiced and 8 unvoiced operators (88 algorithms) with dedicated oscillator (4 stage) level and (IAAD) frequency envelopes, resonant multimode (low|high pass or band pass|reject) filter (with dedicated 4 stage envelope), dedicated (4 stage) pitch envelope, dual LFOs (saw:up|down sine square triangle random waveforms), MIDI, dual stereo outputs, formant sequencer (96 presets, 6 editable), and 1536 presets (128 editable). |