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New_England_Digital SynclavierII

SynclavierII ORK
SynclavierII ORK (copyright 2012)
SynclavierII Rack
SynclavierII Rack

Released: 1979

MSRP: $200k-500k


Commercial version with original keyboard (ORK), mono FM, and optional mono sampling (50kHz). Velocity and pressure sensitivity are via MIDI only. 16 bit sampling and direct-to-disk recording were popular options. Samples can also be analyzed and resynthesized into additive waveforms (36 harmonics). Architecture Class: Additive-FM-Sampler.

Ebay Description:

The New England Digital Synclavier II is a computer based digital synthesizer/sampler controlled via terminal and/or keyboard. The number of synthesizer and sampler voices depends on the configuration, but each instrument uses 4 partials. Each partial can use synthesizer or sampler voices and features a volume IDADSR envelope, vibrato, tremolo, and various performance control (ribbon, velocity, aftertouch) modulation routings. The synthesis engine uses additive synthesis (including sample resynthesis) with 2 operator FM (with dedicated IDADSR envelope), using "Timbre frames" to morph timbre over time. The sampler engine records/edits/plays 16 bit (0-50kHZ) samples. Presets and samples can be loaded from optional floppy, optical, or hard drives. A sequencer and various IO configurations are also available.


Form Factor Dimensions Weight Audio Input Audio Output Communication Port Control Input Control Output Switch Input Power
various rack configurations + 61 keys (ORK) various various optional: sample UDIO (AES/EBU, S/PDIF) balanced and unbalance optional: UDIO (AES/EBU, S/PDIF) additional analog optional: MIDI SCSI MIDI optional: SMPTE/Clock MIDI optional: SMPTE/Clock hold repeat portamento punch-in/out sustain arpeggiate phrase mute AC


Compatibility Multitimbral Memory Program Memory External Storage External Programming UI Input UI Output
- N/A 64/bank SCSI HD 5.25" floppy optical drive terminal buttons VT-100 terminal or VT-640 graphic terminal LED display VT-100 terminal or VT-640 graphic terminal


Multitimbral Polyphony Unison Architecture
4 timbres/patch (split/layer) 8-128 no "FM synthesis" engine (8 bit) uses additive synthesis (including sample resynthesis) with 2 operator FM, using "Timbre frames" to morph timbre over time. Four partials could be considered "8 operator FM" (12 operator if the "chorus" oscillators are counted), except FM is fixed to single carrier/modulator pairs. While samples can replace synthesized partials, FM modulation is not available to sample based partials.


Effects Pan Modulator Volume Modulator Headphone
chorus (detune) no aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity Tremolo no


Arpeggiator Arpeggiator External Sequencer Sequencer Memory Sequencer External Continuous Program Change
routed through LFO no 32-200 tracks, depending on version uses external memory (load from floppy or HD) MIDI breath-controller Mod-Wheel Pitch-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller MIDI


Key Pressure Chord Memory External Control External Sustain Key Scaling Velocity Curves
poly (MIDI RX) no MIDI MIDI pedal microtonal volume:fade-in/out points 1 (MIDI RX)


Name Signal Class Waveform Octave Range Amplitude Modulator Harmonics Modulator Pitch Modulator Wave Assign Modulator
Partial1-Carrier digital 24 harmonics (with phase) or sample (without FM) 0-1.76kHz aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity P1Amp-EG FM:Partial1-Modulator aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel Pitch-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity portamento Vibrato TimbreFrames
Partial1-Chorus digital same as carrier +-3 same as carrier same as carrier aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity portamento same as carrier
Partial1-Modulator digital sine -10 +16 P1FM-EG no Vibrato FM-ratio: aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity no
Partial2-Carrier digital 24 harmonics (with phase) or sample (without FM) 0-1.76kHz aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity P1Amp-EG FM:Partial1-Modulator aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel Pitch-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity portamento Vibrato TimbreFrames
Partial2-Chorus digital same as carrier +-3 same as carrier same as carrier aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity portamento same as carrier
Partial2-Modulator digital sine -10 +16 P1FM-EG no Vibrato FM-ratio: aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity no
Partial3-Carrier digital 24 harmonics (with phase) or sample (without FM) 0-1.76kHz aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity P1Amp-EG FM:Partial1-Modulator aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel Pitch-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity portamento Vibrato TimbreFrames
Partial3-Chorus digital same as carrier +-3 same as carrier same as carrier aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity portamento same as carrier
Partial3-Modulator digital sine -10 +16 P1FM-EG no Vibrato FM-ratio: aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity no
Partial4-Carrier digital 24 harmonics (with phase) or sample (without FM) 0-1.76kHz aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity P1Amp-EG FM:Partial1-Modulator aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel Pitch-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity portamento Vibrato TimbreFrames
Partial4-Chorus digital same as carrier +-3 same as carrier same as carrier aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity portamento same as carrier
Partial4-Modulator digital sine -10 +16 P1FM-EG no Vibrato FM-ratio: aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity no


Name Level Rate Loop Polarity Trigger Level Modulator Rate Modulator
P1FM-EG attack sustain delay attack decay release no no no aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity
P1Amp-EG attack sustain delay attack decay release no no no aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity
P2FM-EG attack sustain delay attack decay release no no no aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity
P2Amp-EG attack sustain delay attack decay release no no no aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity
P3FM-EG attack sustain delay attack decay release no no no aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity
P3Amp-EG attack sustain delay attack decay release no no no aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity
P4FM-EG attack sustain delay attack decay release no no no aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity
P4Amp-EG attack sustain delay attack decay release no no no aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity


Name Waveform Delay Polarity Sync Delay Modulator Level Modulator Rate Modulator
Vibrato sine triangle ramp inverted-ramp square random (with quantize and bias) attack yes yes aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity aftertouch breath-controller key Mod-Wheel pedal1 pedal2 ribbon-controller velocity
Tremolo saw attack/decay yes key no no no
Additive-FM-Sampler Models
SynclavierII Synclavier PSMT Synclavier 9600